Domingos & Associates is able to provide your school with school-based counseling services. We work with students to address measureable goals as identified in their IEP. We are also able to provide both small group and individual counseling sessions.
Developing self-esteem
Positive coping mechanisms
Problem solving
Peer relationships
Dealing with social anxiety
Dealing with anxiety and/or depression
Mood disregulation
Behavioral management

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

Contact Information
Please contact us if you are a school in need of neuropsychological testing, psychoeducational testing, social emotional testing, functional behavioral assessment (FBA), counseling or need a review of your Special Educational Services. We would be happy to work with you and help keep you in compliance with DESE. Use the contact form to send us your information or questions. The next step after contact is to plan a consultation to determine the best possible solution.